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Art Rubber Stamps

If you wandered in here by accident, chances are you’re saying “What…?”

Everybody knows what a rubber stamp is. Especially if you’ve been to a bank in Mexico. Art rubber stamps work on the same principle, but their message is not just Paid or Past Due or Deposit To Account #12345. Their message can be whatever your heart desires. Pictures. Images. Witticisms. Something to impart a subtle message (a screaming face tearing at its hair) or to provide gentle decoration (flowers, moons, stars).

Favorite Mail Art using our stamps
Favorite Mail Art using our stamps

Stamps can be roughly divided into the Cute and the Not. Ours are mostly of the Not Cute variety. Some are decidedly Anti-Cute.

What does one do with art rubber stamps? Ask one of our Santa Barbara customers, who once confided that she owns over 15,000 stamps. We’re curious about her, ourselves.

What regular people do with stamps

Decorate envelopes before they’re mailed.

This is the number one usage of stamps, according to our observations. Tour the Gallery, below, to see some fine examples.

Decorate the phone bill before it’s mailed.

e like to think of the poor person there at CitiBank or wherever, opening mail all day long, and how his or her face will brighten on pulling our credit card payment out of the envelope and into the faintly green fluorescent light of the mail room (use lots of bright colors for extra impact.)

Make your own stationery.

Even simple quick stationery can be an attention-getter. Using artificial aids like embossing powder, combined with your name and address carefully applied with your home computer or a xerox machine, can be quite stunning.

Make your own greeting cards.

Christmas, birthday, Valentine’s, Halloween and Ground Hog Day cards can be lavished on friends and relations. We all remember from childhood how memorable those handmade gifts can be. In these days of chronic time shortages, folks appreciate the thoughtfulness even more.

New Mini-Petro set available now.

Check out some sample art made with our own Poet and Pigs designs. And we’re gradually adding complete black & white flyers, crosslinked to color samples.

Fabian/Bright Star Color Art
Fabian/Bright Star Color Art
Spellbound color art
Spellbound color art
Fantasy Collection of Stephen Fabian.
Fantasy Collection of Stephen Fabian.

How To Get A Catalog

It’s a common practice in the rubber stamp world to ask for money for a catalog. That’s because most rubber stamp companies (ours included) are run by dedicated people who have a Day Job elsewhere, and are operating on a shoestring (and often on the kitchen table). The good thing for the customer is that the cost of the catalog is credited on the first order. This makes it fair for everybody.

Our set of 2 catalogues containing 1400 images is $6.00 refundable with your first order. It’s mailed First Class so you don’t have to wait. This includes The Rubber Poet catalog, Sixth edition with 96 pages, along with the Pigs and Poets 3.0 which has swelled to over 27 pages and includes all the latest Rubber Poet releases. If you want the Stephen Fabian flyers, please request them , as they are excluded to avoid any rubber bullets from those offended by nudity.

A popular alternative is to order a Grab Bag: at least 1/2 pound of unmounted rubber dies (“unmounted” is explained below) for $18.50 and you also get both catalogs. Add another $3.50 to get a 9×12 piece of superstick™ cushion sent priority mail. Such a deal!